Companies House - Limited Company

Companies House - Limited Company

Companies House - Limited Company

Companies house updates 📚 

* Company Incorporation since the beginning of March 2024 are taking longer to be registered unless of course you can still use the premium service to register

* Companies House are doing thorough checks before registering any company and ensuring that the individual eg. Director/Shareholder is genuine

* When completing a Confirmation Statement: Mandatory to provide a Registered Email Address (This could be the actual business or appointed Agent)

* Companies House are trying to go Paperless so sending future reminders for Confirmation Statement/Accounts by email rather than through the post, hence the need for an email address but have to ensure that the email is kept up to date for such purposes 

* Companies House have a helpful telephone support Tel: 0303 123 4500

If you ever have any issues

If you require any further guidance or assistance

Please feel free to contact 

Tel: 01212852534


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