


Good Afternoon
I hope you are well
As you are probably aware that scams come in different forms
Face to Face
Phone call
Other platforms
We have to be careful
Large organisations like HMRC, Post Office, Banks and so on are being mentioned but behind this there are perpetrators, criminals, scammers and fraudsters and the notifications being received are fake.
People are falling prey to this and clicking on links to websites and making unnecessary payments and in some cases providing personal details.
Another fraud that is being carried out on a large scale over the last few years is based around Crypto. investment where scammers are making contact over social media and promising huge returns in a short space of time and creating their own systems, which they direct you to and take the money and disappear
We encourage you to do your research and only rely on local trusted people who are experts in the crypto market but even then it is not a proper Regulated Market and many fake schemes are being created and even if some of the schemes are genuine there is always risk around investing.
Money lost due to fraud may never be recoverable so it is best to stay vigilant and alert others
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